What Clients And Colleagues Have to Say About George Kagan…

8/14/2018: " I have admired and appreciated George for all of the many good things he’s done, and the quality of his work, including helping to interpret the law which has been an immense help to those of us in the practice not to mention the outstanding results obtained for his clients through those many cases. It has been one of the great positives in my career to have known George and to have worked with him. In my mind, he has always been and will always be the premier appellate attorney in our field....bar none."
- From Albert Frierson
4/25/18: I was privileged to receive a special appellate assignment from outstanding Florida defense attorney Robert B. Bennett, Esq. Partner, Bennett, Jacobs & Adams, P.A. Robert prevailed at trial in one of the most thoroughly prepared "misrepresentation" defenses I've seen (the record is a massive 11,400 pages), but for a variety of reasons Robert -- and Ken Sapp, ACA, his seasoned legal claims professional TPA client representative -- felt it best to refer the appeal to me. Their response to my initial briefs, completed April, 2018, were some of the most rewarding I’ve ever received -- and exactly what I'd hoped to achieve via my new focus solely on appeals and consultations. I have their permission to share;
-From Robert B. Bennett; excerpted from a letter to a third-party.
“A Masterpiece. **** This is the best written and most satisfying read of the year. *** The effort that George put into this was extraordinary and it was an absolute joy working with him. **** George gets it and is able to convey it like no other.”
-From Ken Sapp, sent directly to the undersigned while in the process of reviewing the brief for the first time;
“I’m dancing while reading the goodness of this. Warms my heart….”