George Kagan, 2019 Comp Laude ® national winner, WorkCompCentral’s Award in the category of Defense Attorney
On July 26, 2018, effective chief judge of all Florida Workers’ Compensation Judges, the Hon. David Langham, reported on the newly announced nominees and finalists for this year’s national WorkCompCentral Comp Laude® Award (Judge Langham being the 2017 winner of the award). Across the country there were 180 nominees, and 50 finalists, with the overall winner to be announced in San Diego at the Comp Laude® Awards & Gala held October 9 - October 11, 2018.
Judge Langham described George’s nomination thus;
George Kagan is a legend of Florida workers' compensation. His writing and wit is known by lawyers across the state. George has been a leader in the Bar, in education, in appellate practice. He is a legend in Florida workers' compensation and a fixture at educational events. He has dedicated a lifetime to the shaping of workers' compensation in Florida. And, he has done it with style and humor.
George is authentically, deeply humbled -- especially noting some of the extraordinary co-finalists ‘competing’ for the award this October -- and wishes all his eminent co-nominees congratulations and success!